Institute Profile

Fraunhofer IISB develops solutions for electromobility and sustainable energy supply - from semiconductor materials to power electronic systems

The IISB covers the entire value chain – from starting material to the power electronic system.

As one of 76 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the IISB conducts research for customers from industry or within the framework of publicly funded projects. The aim is to develop excellent solutions for our partners as one of the leading research institutions in the field of power electronics and to set new technological standards. Central fields of application are electromobility, aerospace, and sustainable energy supply.

The institute offers broad expertise in wide-bandgap semiconductors and high-efficiency power electronics. Device know-how merges here with complex system development. For silicon carbide (SiC), the institute has the complete technological process chain at its disposal - starting with materials, via components and modules, all the way to integration in power electronic systems.

At the IISB, about 300 employees and numerous students work together on an area of about 7000 m². In our laboratories, which are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we serve a broad spectrum of research and development tasks in the fields of power electronics, semiconductor technology, and materials.

In addition to its headquarters in Erlangen, IISB has a branch office in Freiberg/Saxony – where it is active in the Fraunhofer Technology Center High Performance Materials THM. At the THM, innovative semiconductor and energy materials are transferred into new applications, while at the same time future material recycling is being considered and developed.

Furthermore, the institute works closely with the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and is, among others, a partner in the Energy Campus Nuremberg (EnCN). As µe-bauhaus erlangen-nürnberg, the Chair of Electron Devices (LEB) at FAU and Fraunhofer IISB have joined forces to form the academic-technical master forge, the "Bauhaus of Microelectronics".

Organizational chart of Fraunhofer IISB

Our entire value chain for next-generation power electronics, presented by Institute Director Prof. Jörg Schulze in 2 minutes.

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© Elisabeth Iglhaut / Fraunhofer IISB

Fraunhofer IISB Advisory Board

From the left: N. Eckert, J. Hornegger, S. Spiller-Schlutius, S. Kampmann, C. Hack, P. Wawer, N. Parspour, V. Vescoli, T. Harder, IISB director J. Schulze, G. Kittler, A. Beck

The advisory board comprises representatives from science, industry, and public life and advises the institute director and the Fraunhofer executive board on matters relating to the technical orientation and structural changes of the Institute.


Composition of the advisory board