Power Electronics

Fraunhofer IISB takes a leading position internationally in the field of power electronics for electromobility. This is evident from the numerous development projects with nearly all large automotive manufacturers and suppliers. Many of the results have gained international attention.

We permanently strive to open up new applications and functionalities. The grid integration of electric vehicles for instance will gain more and more importance in the future. For avionic applications the new possibilities of modern power electronics will pave the way towards the “more electric aircraft”. This means powering many more actuators electrically in order to improve the overall fuel economy, and to reduce the maintenance efforts associated with hydraulic systems.

Focus Areas



Our focus is on the development of innovative, highly efficient, compact and reliable power electronics for drive converters in stationary and mobile applications.



Our core competence lies in the development of novel electrical machines for mobility applications. The development process starts from the concept phase and includes both the electromagnetic and thermal design.  


Aviation Electronics

We provide technologies for the high voltage "backbone" of a more/all electric aircraft: non-/isolating DC/DC converters, AC/DC motor/grid inverters, battery systems, as well as DC grid control technologies.


Battery Chargers

We provide on-board battery chargers (AC/DC converters) in the range from 3.7 to 22 kW for plug-in and electric vehicles, as well as DC battery chargers (DC/DC converters) in the range of 3 kW and higher for ultrafast, high-power applications.


On-Board Converter

We are specialized in top tier DC/DC converters: galvanically isolating, bidirectional, and single-stage.


Medium Voltage Electronics

Multi-level systems are the key technology for efficient and cost-effective ship and vehicle drivetrains as well as stationary energy distribution units in the voltage range of 1 kV up to 30 kV.


DC/DC Converters

We provide custom specific DC/DC converters for automotive, aircraft and stationary applications.


SiC/GaN Converters

Be our partner for innovative solutions with wide-bandgap power semiconductors and take the next step towards the future of power electronics!


Battery Systems

We offer advanced and innovative solutions for electrical energy storage systems. Our focus is on full-custom cost-efficient electric energy storage and management systems for mobile and stationary applications.


Inductive Power Transmission

We develop and realize complete inductive power transfer systems. From the FEM-Simulation, over power electronics analysis/simulation and mechanical integration to complete prototypes.

Characterization, Integration & Services


Device Characterization

With our comprehensive test facilities, we evaluate the potential of new active or passive components in close coordination with you. We also offer to convert measurements into powerful simulation models for your virtual prototype.


Electromagnetic Compatibility

Our EMC lab offers a wide range of services, from tests on prototypes over consulting in case of EMC problems, measurements according to harmonized standards to very detailed circuit and layout optimizations.


E-Vehicle Test Center

We operate our own test center for electric vehicles, including a motor test bench, an air-conditionable all-wheel chassis dynamometer and central infrastructure for battery, system reliability and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests.




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