Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2015 |
Czochralski growth of silicon crystals
Friedrich, J.; Ammon, W. von; Müller, G. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2015 |
Species transport by natural convection of supercritical ammonia
Seebeck, J.; Savva, P.; Erlekampf, J.; Meissner, E.; Friedrich, J.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Charge pumping measurements on differently passivated lateral 4H-SiC MOSFETs
Salinaro, A.; Pobegen, G.; Aichinger, T.; Zippelius, B.; Peters, D.; Friedrichs, P.; Frey, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Characterization and application of nano- and microstructured silicon-polymer-based surfaces for manipulation of cells
Scharin, Marina; Haering, Aaron; Gilbert, D.; Dirnecker, Tobias; Stumpf, Florian; Rommel, Mathias; Friedrich, Oliver; Frey, Lothar |
2015 |
Functionalization of PDMS surfaces through micro- or nano-patterning to control the cellular adhesion
Scharin, Marina; Häring, Aron; Dirnecker, Tobias; Rommel, Mathias; Marhenke, Julius; Friedrich, O.; Gilbert, D.F.; Herrmann, Martin; Frey, Lothar |
Vortrag Presentation
2015 |
Influence of grain boundaries intentionally induced between seed plates on the defect generation in quasi-mono-crystalline silicon ingots
Trempa, M.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.; Müller, G.; Krause, A.; Sylla, L.; Richter, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Characterization and application of nano- and microstructured PDMS surfaces for manipulation of cells
Scharin, Marina; Gilbert, D.; Rommel, Mathias; Dirnecker, Tobias; Stumpf, Florian; Haering, A.; Friedrich, O.; Frey, Lothar |
Vortrag Presentation
2015 |
Structural and optical properties of AlN grown by solid source solution growth method
Kangawa, Y.; Suetsugu, H.; Knetzger, M.; Meissner, E.; Hazu, K.; Chichibu, S.F.; Kajiwara, T.; Tanaka, S.; Iwasaki, Y.; Kakimoto, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Investigation of iron contamination of seed crystals and its impact on lifetime distribution in Quasimono silicon ingots
Trempa, M.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.; Müller, G.; Sylla, L.; Krause, A.; Richter, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Imaging defect luminescence measurements of 4H-SiC by UV-PL
Kaminzky, Daniel; Roßhirt, Katharina; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Oppel, Steffen; Schneider, Adrian; Schütz, Michael |
Vortrag Presentation
2015 |
Optical in-situ monitoring system for simultaneous measurement of thickness and curvature of thick layer stacks during hydride vapor phase epitaxy growth of GaN
Semmelroth, K.; Berwian, P.; Schroter, C.; Leibiger, G.; Schonleber, M.; Friedrich, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Controlling cellular adhesion through micro- or nanopatterning of silicone-based surfaces to improve biomedical devices for in vitro based applications
Scharin, Marina; Rommel, Mathias; Dirnecker, Tobias; Stumpf, Florian; Zipfel, J.; Marhenke, J.; Friedrich, O.; Glibert, D.F.; Herrmann, M.; Frey, Lothar |
2015 |
Response of as grown dislocation structure to temperature and stress treatment in multi-crystalline silicon
Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.; Meissner, E.; Oriwol, D.; Sylla, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Bioactivation and functionalization of PDMS surfaces to control cellular adhesion behaviour by micro- or nanopatterning and plasma treatment
Scharin, Marina; Rommel, Mathias; Dirnecker, Tobias; Stumpf, Florian; Zipfel, J.; Marhenke, J.; Friedrich, O.; Gilbert, D.F.; Herrmann, M.; Frey, Lothar |
2015 |
Guest Editors' Preface
Klimm, D.; Friedrich, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Assessment of dicing induced damage and residual stress on the mechanical and electrical behavior of chips
Fuegl, M.; Mackh, G.; Meissner, E.; Frey, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Influence of growth temperature on the defect density for 4H-SiC homoepitaxy
Kaminzky, Daniel; Roßhirt, Katharina; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen |
2015 |
Quality control of SiC materials by optical detection of defects
Kallinger, Birgit; Kaminzky, Daniel; Roßhirt, Katharina; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Oppel, Steffen |
Vortrag Presentation
2015 |
Thermal simulation of paralleled SiC PiN diodes in a module designed for 6.5 kV/1 kA
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Bär, Eberhard; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Modelling of effective minority carrier lifetimes in 4H-SiC n-type epilayers
Kaminzky, Daniel; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick; Rommel, Mathias; Friedrich, Jochen |
2015 |
Defect Luminescence Scanner (DLS): Scientific and industrial-scale defect analysis
Oppel, Steffen; Schneider, Adrian; Schütz, Michael; Kaminzky, Daniel; Kallinger, Birgit; Weber, Jonas; Krieger, Michael |
Vortrag Presentation
2015 |
Imaging defect luminescence of 4H-SiC by UV-photoluminescence
Kaminzky, Daniel; Roßhirt, Katharina; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Oppel, Steffen; Schneider, Adrian; Schütz, Michael |
Vortrag Presentation
2015 |
Improvement of 4H-SiC material quality
Kallinger, Birgit; Kaminzky, Daniel; Rommel, Mathias; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen |
Vortrag Presentation