Innovative technologies for intelligent decentralized energy systems
Intelligent decentralized energy systems are of outstanding importance for the transformation of the energy supply. This is particularly true in the industrial area, but also for larger residential units, quarters and for commercial enterprises. Decentralized energy systems offer ideal conditions for local energy coupling of different sectors like electricity, heating, cooling, gases and mobility. Fossil fuels can be replaced by integrating renewable energies with a high percentage of self-consumption. Therefore, these systems offer great potential for improving the carbon footprint.
The challenge lies in developing a flexible and intelligent operating strategy for combining the components and plant subsystems into an overall system that is operated in an optimized manner and adapted to local conditions. An intelligent decentralized energy system of this type has been set up at Fraunhofer IISB in Erlangen, linking a wide range of components and thus creating a unique real-world laboratory for energy research. It can be used as a blueprint for industry, small and medium-sized enterprises and quarters.