IISB Publications 2021

Publication Type
2021 Smart Platform for Rapid Prototyping: Solutions in the Dilemma of Flexibility and Standardization
Anger, Sabrina; Klingert, Felix; Häublein, Volker; Pfeffer, Markus; Schellenberger, Martin
Conference Paper
2021 Accurate prediction of EUV lithographic images and 3D mask effects using generative networks
Awad, A.; Brendel, P.; Evanschitzky, P.; Woldeamanual, D.S.; Rosskopf, A.; Erdmann, A.
Journal Article
2021 Verfahren zur Steigerung der elektrischen Funktionalität und/oder Lebensdauer von leistungselektronischen Modulen
Bayer, Christoph; Schletz, Andreas
2021 Packaging Technologies in Power Electronic Modules @Fraunhofer IISB
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich
2021 Reliability of Silicon-Nitride based High-Voltage Monolithic Capacitors
Becker, Tom; Matlok, Stefan; Heckel, Thomas; Böttcher, Norman; Leib, Jürgen; Erlbacher, Tobias
2021 Molecular Dynamics Simulations Supporting the Development of a Continuum Model of Heat Transport in Nanowires
Bejenari, Igor; Burenkov, Alexander; Pichler, Peter; Deretzis, Ioannis; Sciuto, Alberto; La Magna, Antonino
Conference Paper
2021 Stochastic simulation and calibration of organometallic photoresists for extreme ultraviolet lithography
Belete, Z.; Bisschop, P. de; Welling, U.; Erdmann, A.
Journal Article
2021 Hierarchical Network Management of Industrial DC-Microgrids
Bianchini, Isabella; Kuhlmann, Timm; Wunder, Bernd; Unru, Alexander; Sauer, Alexander
Conference Paper
2021 Simulation study on EUV multilayer polarization effects
Bilalaj, L.; Mesilhy, H.; Erdmann, A.
Conference Paper
2021 Monolithisch integrierter Lasttrennschalter in SiC JFET Technologie
Boettcher, N.; Erlbacher, Tobias
2021 Deep Learning assisted quantitative Assessment of the Porosity in Ag-Sinter joints based on non-destructive acoustic inspection
Brand, S.; Koegel, M.; Altmann, F.; Bach, Hoang Linh
Conference Paper
2021 A Monolithically Integrated SiC Circuit Breaker
Böttcher, Norman; Erlbacher, Tobias
Journal Article
2021 Schadgas-Erhebung Europa. ECPE-Projekt "Harmful Gas Requirements for Power Electronics"
Chen, Weiyi
2021 Frontier review of the importance to revise existing European environmental classification standards
Chen, Weiyi; Zimmermann, Victoria; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich
Journal Article
2021 Modeling the impact of shrinkage effects on photoresist development
D'Silva, S.; Mülders, T.; Stock, H.-J.; Erdmann, A.
Journal Article
2021 Intrinsic nano-diffusion-couple for studying high temperature diffusion in multi-component superalloys
Eggeler, Yolita; Kubacka, Dorota; Pichler, Peter; Wu, Mingjian; Spiecker, Erdmann
Journal Article
2021 Fast Numerical Power Loss Calculation for High-Frequency Litz Wires
Ehrlich, S.; Rossmanith, H.; Sauer, M.; Joffe, C.; März, M.
Journal Article
2021 Verfahren zur Reduzierung von strukturellen Beschädigungen an der Oberfläche von einkristallinen Aluminiumnitrid-Substraten und derart herstellbare einkristalline Aluminiumnitrid-Substrate
Epelbaum, Boris; Müller, Stephan; Meißner, Elke
2021 Simulation of polychromatic effects in high NA EUV lithography
Erdmann, A.; Mesilhy, H.; Evanschitzky, P.; Saadeh, Q.; Soltwisch, V.; Bihr, S.; Zimmermann, J.; Philipsen, V.
Conference Paper
2021 SiC for Power Electronics and More - 150mm and 200mm Technologies on the Move
Erlbacher, Tobias
2021 SiC Power MOS technology evolution. Sustainable and efficient energy conversion in DC grids
Erlbacher, Tobias
2021 Lifetime limiting defects in 4H-SiC epitaxial layers: The influence of substrate originated defects
Erlekampf, Jürgen; Rommel, Mathias; Rosshirt-Lilla, Katharina; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Erlbacher, Tobias
Journal Article
2021 Mask defect detection with hybrid deep learning network
Evanschitzky, P.; Auth, N.; Heil, T.; Hermanns, C.F.; Erdmann, A.
Journal Article
2021 Molecular dynamics simulation of color centers in silicon carbide by helium and dual ion implantation and subsequent annealing
Fan, Y.; Song, Y.; Xu, Z.; Dong, B.; Wu, J.; Rommel, Mathias; Zhang, K.; Zhao, J.; Zhu, R.; Li, B.; Li, Q.; Fang, F.
Journal Article
2021 Accessing local electron-beam induced temperature changes during In situ liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy
Fritsch, B.; Hutzler, A.; Wu, M.; Khadivianazar, S.; Vogl, L.; Jank, M.; März, M.; Spiecker, E.
Journal Article
2021 Beam-induced heating at low electron fluxes during liquid phase transmission electron microscopy
Fritsch, Birk; Hutzler, Andreas; Wu, Mingjian; Vogl, Lilian; Jank, Michael; März, Martin; Spiecker, Erdmann
Journal Article
2021 Combined dynamic operation of PEM fuel cell and continuous dehydrogenation of perhydro-dibenzyltoluene
Geiling, J.; Steinberger, M.; Ortner, F.; Seyfried, R.; Nuß, A.; Uhrig, F.; Lange, C.; Öchsner, R.; Wasserscheid, P.; März, M.; Preuster, P.
Journal Article
2021 Vergleich zwischen Hardware- und Simulationsbasiertem Entwicklungsprozess am Beispiel eines Web-Leistungsmoduls
Gerstner, Holger
2021 From Cyclopentasilane to Thin-Film Transistors
Gerwig, M.; Ali, A.S.; Neubert, D.; Polster, S.; Bohme, U.; Franze, G.; Rosenkranz, M.; Popov, A.; Ponomarev, I.; Jank, M.; Vieweger, C.; Brendler, E.; Frey, L.; Kroll, P.; Kroke, E.
Journal Article
2021 Investigation of novel multi-phase field-oriented drive inverter control with fail-operational capabilities for aircraft applications
Hilpert, F.; Bentheimer, C.; Müller, T.; Eckardt, B.
Conference Paper
2021 Factors influencing the gas bubble evolution and the cristobalite formation in quartz glass Cz crucibles for Czochralski growth of silicon crystals
Hirsch, A.; Schulze, M.; Sturm, F.; Trempa, M.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 Comparison between forced CCM and DCM on low load efficiency of a sic based DC/DC converter
Hoerauf, P.; Endruschat, A.; Maerz, M.
Conference Paper
2021 A Low-Cost Al-Graphite Battery with Urea and Acetamide-Based Electrolytes
Jach, F.; Wassner, M.; Bamberg, M.; Brendler, E.; Frisch, G.; Wunderwald, U.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 Doping-related photoluminescence spectroscopy in 4H-SiC
Kallinger, Birgit; Schlichting, Holger; Kocher, Matthias; Rommel, Mathias; Berwian, Patrick
2021 Assessment of residual melt removal as approach to reduce the top redzone of cast silicon ingots
Kranert, C.; Ghosh, M.; Hamacher, M.; Bähr, T.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 Facet growth and geometry of the growth ridge during dynamic Czochralski processes
Kranert, C.; Raming, G.; Miller, A.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 Metal contamination of silicon from the furnace atmosphere after crystallization
Kranert, C.; Trempa, M.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 A Fully Integrated Ferroelectric Thin-Film-Transistor - Influence of Device Scaling on Threshold Voltage Compensation in Displays
Lehninger, D.; Ellinger, M.; Ali, T.; Li, S.; Mertens, K.; Lederer, M.; Olivio, R.; Kampfe, T.; Hanisch, N.; Biedermann, K.; Rudolph, M.; Brackmann, V.; Sanctis, C.; Jank, M.; Seidel, K.
Journal Article
2021 Process-based Modeling of 4H-SiC Double-trench MOSFETs with Reshaped Trench Geometries
Lim, Minwho; Rusch, Oleg; Erlbacher, Tobias; Beuer, Susanne; Rommel, Mathias; Bauer, Anton; Kim, S.; Kang, M.; Shin, H.-K.
2021 Frabrication and Evaluation of 4H-SiC Double Trench MOSFETs on 6-inch Wafer
Lim, Minwho; Kim, Seongjun; Rusch, Oleg; Kang, Min-Jae; Sung, Mi-Je; Kwak, Juyoung; Lee, Nam-Suk; Shin, Hoon-Kyu; Erlbacher, Tobias; Bauer, Anton
2021 Device Design and Process Integration of SiC Trench MOSFETs
Lim, Minwho; Rusch, Oleg; Erlbacher, Tobias; Bauer, Anton
2021 Digital Twin for a 10 MW Electrical Drive System for Future Electric Aircraft Applications
Liu, Xinjun; Bentheimer, Christian; Hilpert, Florian; Hofmann, Maximilian; Eckardt, Bernd; März, Martin
Conference Paper
2021 High-Performance n-Type Ge-Free Silicon Thermoelectric Material from Silicon Waste
Liu, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Wolff, U.; Blum, C.G.F.; He, R.; Bahrami, A.; Beier-Ardizzon, M.; Reimann, C.; Friedrich, J.; Reith, H.; Schierning, G.; Nielsch, K.
Journal Article
2021 Comparison of control algorithms for the suppression of current harmonics in pmsms
Mai, A.; Wagner, B.; Arenz, S.
Conference Paper
2021 Delay of Regeneration by Adding Aluminum in Boron-Doped Crystalline Si
Mehler, M.; Schmid, A.; Zuschlag, A.; Trempa, M.; Hahn, G.
Journal Article
2021 Preface
Meissner, E.; Niewa, R.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 A New Perspective on Growth of GaN from the Basic Ammonothermal Regime
Meissner, E.; Jockel, D.; Koch, M.; Niewa, R.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 The long journey from crystal growth to power devices, the role of material development for III-nitride semiconductors
Meissner, E.; Besendörfer, S.; Faraji, S.; Bahat-Treidel, E.; Würfl, J.
Conference Paper
2021 Investigation of waveguide modes in EUV mask absorbers
Mesilhy, H.; Evanschitzky, P.; Bottiglieri, G.; Lare, C. Van; Setten, E. Van; Erdmann, A.
Journal Article
2021 Tracing the Boron Diffusion into a Textured Silicon Solar Cell by Combining Boron Diffusion Simulation with Experimental and Simulated Scanning Transmission Electron Beam Induced Current
Meyer, Tobias; Ehrlich, David A.; Pichler, Peter; Titova, Valeriya; Flathmann, Christoph; Schmidt, Jan; Seibt, Michael
2021 Grid Management
Ott, Leopold; Schaab, Darian Andreas; Männel, Alexander; Hinderer, Werner
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 X-Ray diffraction analysis and modeling of the depth profile of lattice strains in AlGaN stacks
Rafaja, D.; Fischer, P.; Barchuk, M.; Motylenko, M.; Röder, C.; Besendörfer, S.; Meissner, E.
Journal Article
2021 Testing Wide Band-Gap Devices II (Focus on Packaging)
Schletz, Andreas
2021 State of the Art Packaging
Schletz, Andreas; Endruschat, Achim; Heckel, Thomas
2021 Temperature Challenges for Integrated Systems due to High Power Density
Schletz, Andreas; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Hutzler, Aaron
2021 Ammonothermal Materials
Schnick, W.; Cordes, N.; Mallmann, M.; Niewa, R.; Meissner, E.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Analysis and Experimental Verification of an Isolated Half-Bridge Bidirectional DC-DC Converter
Schulz, M.; Ditze, S.
Journal Article
2021 Influence of crucible properties and Si3N4-coating composition on the oxygen concentration in multi-crystalline silicon ingots
Schwanke, S.; Trempa, M.; Reimann, C.; Kuczynski, M.; Schroll, G.; Sans, J.; Heitmann, J.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 Numerical forecast of redzone extension in cast silicon ingots in dependence on the purity level of crucible, coating and feedstock
Schwanke, S.; Trempa, M.; Schuck, K.; Kranert, C.; Müller, M.; Reimann, C.; Kuczynski, M.; Schroll, G.; Sans, J.; Stenzenberger, J.; Hesse, K.; Heitmann, J.; Friedrich, J.
Journal Article
2021 Fully convolutional networks for chip-wise defect detection employing photoluminescence images
Stern, M.L.; Schellenberger, M.
Journal Article
2021 Modelling the Radiolysis of Silver Nitrate Solutions in presence of Bromide Ions in Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy
Taherkhani, Mehran; Fritsch, Birk; Jank, Michael; Spiecker, Erdmann; Hutzler, Andreas
Journal Article
2021 Predesign Methodology of Voltage Inverters Using a Gradient-Based Optimization Algorithm
Voldoire, A.; Schanen, J.; Ferrieux, J.; Sarrazin, B.; Gautier, C.
Journal Article
2021 foxBMS. The open source BMS development and research platform
Waldhör, Stefan; Wenger, Martin
2021 Physically-based, lumped-parameter models for the prediction of oxygen concentration during Czochralski growth of silicon crystals
Wang, K.; Koch, H.; Trempa, M.; Kranert, C.; Friedrich, J.; Derby, J.J.
Journal Article
2021 MD simulation of two-temperature model in ion irradiation of 3C-SiC: Effects of electronic and nuclear stopping coupling, ion energy and crystal orientation
Wu, J.; Xu, Z.; Zhao, J.; Rommel, M.; Nordlund, K.; Ren, F.; Fang, F.
Journal Article
2021 MD simulation study on defect evolution and doping efficiency of p-type doping of 3C-SiC by Al ion implantation with subsequent annealing
Wu, J.; Xu, Z.; Liu, L.; Hartmaier, A.; Rommel, M.; Nordlund, K.; Wang, T.; Janisch, R.; Zhao, E.
Journal Article
2021 Study of novel EUVL mask absorber candidates
Wu, M.; Thakare, D.; Marneffe, J.-F. de; Jaenen, P.; Souriau, L.; Opsomer, K.; Soulié, J.-P.; Erdmann, A.; Mesilhy, H.; Naujok, P.; Foltin, M.; Soltwisch, V.; Saadeh, Q.; Philipsen, V.
Journal Article
2021 Interleaved Planar Packaging Method of Multichip SiC Power Module for Thermal and Electrical Performance Improvement
Yang, F.; Lixin, J.; Wang, L.; Zhang, F.; Wang, B.; Zhao, C.; Wang, J.; Bayer, C.F.; Ferreira, J.A.
Journal Article
2021 Automated quantitative analysis of void morphology evolution in Ag-Ag direct bonding interface after accelerated aging
Yu, Z.; Xu, T.; Letz, S.; Bayer, C.F.; Schletz, A.; März, M.
Journal Article
2021 Cu-Cu Thermocompression Bonding with Cu-Nanowire Films for Power Semiconductor Die-Attach on DBC Substrates
Yu, Zechun; Tan, Ying Zhao; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Rauh, Hubert; Schletz, Andreas; März, Martin; Birlem, Olav
Conference Paper
2021 Verfahren zur Verbindung von Komponenten bei der Herstellung leistungselektronischer Module oder Baugruppen
Yu, Zechun; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Schletz, Andreas
2021 Automated quantitative analysis of void morphology evolution in Ag-Ag direct bondig interface after accelerated aging
Yu, Zechun; Xu, Tian; Letz, Sebastian; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Schletz, Andreas; März, Martin
2021 Current Status of Carbon-Related Defect Luminescence in GaN
Zimmermann, F.; Beyer, J.; Röder, C.; Beyer, F.C.; Richter, E.; Irmscher, K.; Heitmann, J.
Journal Article
2021 A carbon-doping related luminescence band in GaN revealed by below bandgap excitation
Zimmermann, F.; Beyer, J.; Beyer, F.C.; Gärtner, G.; Gamov, I.; Irmscher, K.; Richter, E.; Weyers, M.; Heitmann, J.
Journal Article
2021 Analysis of dendritic corrosion phenomena on differently treated power electronic circuit carriers
Zimmermann, Victoria; Reck, Tamara; Igel, Carolin; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich
2021 Experimental wafer carrier contamination analysis and monitoring in fully automated 300 mm power production lines
Zängle, C.; Pfeffer, M.; Franze, P.; Schneider, G.; Bauer, A.
Conference Paper
2021 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology. Achievements and Results. Annual Report 2020
Annual Report
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