IISB Publications 2018

Publication Type
2018 The 2018 GaN power electronics roadmap
Amano, H.; Baines, Y.; Beam, E.; Borga, M.; Bouchet, T.; Chalker, P.R.; Charles, M.; Chen, K.J.; Chowdhury, N.; Chu, R.; Santi, C. de; Souza, M.M. de; Decoutere, S.; Cioccio, L. di; Eckardt, B.; Egawa, T.; Fay, P.; Freedsman, J.J.; Guido, L.; Häberlen, O.; Haynes, G.; Heckel, T.; Hemakumara, D.; Houston, P.; Hu, J.; Hua, M.; Huang, Q.; Huang, A.; Jiang, S.; Kawai, H.; Kinzer, D.; Kuball, M.; Kumar, A.; Lee, K.B.; Li, X.; Marcon, D.; März, M.; McCarthy, R.; Meneghesso, G.; Meneghini, M.; Morvan, E.; Nakajima, A.; Narayanan, E.M.S.; Oliver, S.; Palacios, T.; Piedra, D.; Plissonnier, M.; Reddy, R.; Sun, M.; Thayne, I.; Torres, A.; Trivellin, N.; Unni, V.; Uren, M.J.; Hove, M. van; Wallis, D.J.; Wang, J.; Xie, J.; Yagi, S.; Yang, S.; Youtsey, C.; Yu, R.; Zanoni, E.; Zeltner, S.; Zhang, Y.
Journal Article
2018 Quantum dot location relevance into SET-FET circuits based on FinFET devices
Amat, Esteve; Moral, Alberto del; Bausells, Joan; Perez-Murano, Francesc; Klüpfel, Fabian
Conference Paper
2018 Ceramic Embedding as Packaging Solution for Future Power Electronic Applications
Bach, H.L.; Endres, T.M.; Dirksen, D.; Zischler, S.; Bayer, C.F.; Schletz, A.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Vias in DBC substrates for embedded power modules
Bach, Hoang Linh; Yu, Zechun; Letz, Sebastian; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Waltrich, Uwe; Schletz, Andreas; März, Martin
Conference Paper
2018 The effect of etching and deposition processes on the width of spacers created during self-aligned double patterning
Baer, Eberhard; Lorenz, Juergen
Conference Paper
2018 Advances in thermal laser separation: Process monitoring in a kerf-free laser-based cutting technology to ensure high yield
Barreto, M.C.; Roeder, G.; Steinhoff, M.; Schellenberger, M.; Bauer, A.
Journal Article
2018 Elektronik
Bauer, Anton; Bär, Eberhard; Erlbacher, Tobias; Friedrich, Jochen; Lorenz, Jürgen; Rommel, Mathias; Schellenberger, Martin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Elektrochemische Korrosion auf keramischen Substraten für leistungselektronische Module
Bayer, C.F.
Journal Article
2018 Elektrisch leitende Verbindung zwischen mindestens zwei elektrischen Komponenten an einem mit elektronischen und/oder elektrischen Bauelementen bestücktem Träger, die mit einem Bonddraht ausgebildet ists.
Bayer, Christoph; Schletz, Andreas; Waltrich, Uwe
2018 Aufbau für mindestens einen mit elektronischen und/oder elektrischen Bauelementen bestückten Träger
Bayer, Christoph; Schletz, Andreas; Waltrich, Uwe
2018 Power electronics packaging at Fraunhofer IISB
Bayer, Christoph F.
2018 Untersuchung der elektrischen Feldstärke und des Teilentladungsverhaltens an keramischen Schaltungsträgern
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich
Doctoral Thesis
2018 Simulation in power electronics design. Simulation, possibilities, and issues
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich
2018 Environmental testing, corrosion, failure analysis. Power electronics in harsh environments
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Kokot, Alexandra; Filippi, Thomas; Hutzler, Aaron; Fuchs, Carmen; Wüstefeld, Sophie; Kellner, Simon; Diepgen, Antonia; Zimmermann, Victoria
2018 Korrosion in leistungselektronischen Modulen
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Kokot, Alexandra; Filippi, Thomas; Hutzler, Aaron; Fuchs, Carmen; Wüstefeld, Sophie; Kellner, Simon; Diepgen, Antonia; Zimmermann, Victoria
2018 Electrochemical corrosion on ceramic substrates for power electronics causes, phenomenological description and outlook
Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Diepgen, Antonia; Filippi, Thomas; Fuchs, Carmen; Wüstefeld, Sophie; Kellner, Simon; Waltrich, Uwe; Schletz, Andreas
Conference Paper
2018 Modeling of block copolymer dry etching for directed self-assembly lithography
Belete, Zelalem; Bär, Eberhard; Erdmann, Andreas
Conference Paper
2018 Novel approach based on continuous trench modelling to predict focused ion beam prepared freeform surfaces
Bilbao-Guillerna, A.; Eachambadi, R.T.; Cadot, G.B.J.; Axinte, D.A.; Billingham, J.; Stumpf, F.; Beuer, Susanne; Rommel, Mathias
Journal Article
2018 Modular multilevel submodules for converters, from the state of the art to future trends
Billmann, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Hochvolt-Kraftfahrzeugbordnetz
Billmann, M.; Lausser, Christof; Reifert, Eugen; Sutter, Ulrich; Tchobanov, Dimitar
2018 On the limits of scalpel AFM for the 3D electrical characterization of nanomaterials
Chen, Shaochuan; Jiang, Lanlan; Buckwell, Mark; Jing, Xu; Ji, Yanfeng; Grustan-Gutierrez, Enric; Hui, Fei; Shi, Yuanyuan; Rommel, Mathias; Paskaleva, Albena; Benstetter, Günther; Ng, Wing. H.; Mehonic, Adnan; Kenyon, Anthony J.; Lanza, Mario
Journal Article
2018 Fourier ptychography for lithography high NA systems
Dejkameh, A.; Erdmann, A.; Evanschitzky, P.; Ekinci, Y.
Conference Paper
2018 Lifetime testing method for ceramic capacitors for power electronics applications
Dresel, Fabian; Tham, Nils; Erlbacher, Tobias; Schletz, Andreas
Conference Paper
2018 Selective silver sintering of semiconductor dies on PCB
Dresel, Fabian; Letz, Sebastian; Zischler, Sigrid; Schletz, Andreas; Novak, Michael
Conference Paper
2018 Advanced vehicle charging solutions using SiC and GaN power devices
Eckardt, B.; Wild, M.; Joffe, C.; Zeltner, S.; Endres, S.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Inverter, device with such an inverter, system and method for controlling a controllable energy source
Eckardt, Bernd; Matlok, Stefan
2018 Attenuated PSM for EUV
Erdmann, A.; Evanschitzky, P.; Mesilhy, H.; Philipsen, V.; Hendrickx, E.; Bauer, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Electrical properties of schottky-diodes based on B doped diamond
Erlbacher, T.; Huerner, A.; Zhu, Y.; Bach, L.; Schletz, A.; Zürbig, Verena; Pinti, Lucas; Kirste, Lutz; Giese, Christian; Nebel, Christoph E.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L.
Conference Paper
2018 Schottky diode and method for its manufacturing
Erlbacher, Tobias; Hürner, Andreas
2018 Strahlungssensor zur Detektion schwacher Strahlungssignale
Erlbacher, Tobias; Matthus, Christian
2018 Principle of lifetime-engineering in 4H-SiC by ion implantation
Erlekampf, Jürgen; Kallinger, Birgit; Berwian, Patrick; Rommel, Mathias; Friedrich, Jochen; Frey, Lothar; Erlbacher, Tobias
2018 Influence and mutual interaction of process parameters on the Z1/2 defect concentration during epitaxy of 4H-SiC
Erlekampf, Jürgen; Kaminzky, Daniel; Rosshirt, Katharina; Kallinger, Birgit; Rommel, Mathias; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, Jochen; Frey, Lothar
Conference Paper
2018 Strukturierungsverfahren
Fader, Robert; Lorenz, Jürgen; Rommel, Mathias; Baum, Mario; Danylyuk, Serhiy; Gillner, Arnold; Stollenwerk, Jochen; Bläsi, Benedikt
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Energieerzeugung aus wasserstoffreichem Industrie-Abgas
Frey, Lothar; König, Karl-Heinz; Steinberger, Michael; Öchsner, Richard
2018 One-step nanoimprinted Bragg grating sensor based on hybrid polymers
Förthner, Michael; Girschikofsky, Maiko; Rumler, Maximilian; Stumpf, Florian; Rommel, Mathias; Hellmann, Ralf; Frey, Lothar
Journal Article
2018 Non-linear Input Capacitance Determination of WBG Power FETs using Gate Charge Measurements
Gerstner, H.; Endruschat, A.; Heckel, T.; Joffe, C.; Eckardt, B.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Flexible thin film bending sensor based on Bragg gratings in hybrid polymers
Girschikofsky, Maiko; Rosenberger, Manuel; Förthner, Michael; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar; Hellmann, Ralf
Conference Paper
2018 Fault Considerations of Non-Isolated Electric Vehicle Chargers with a Mutual DC Supply
Gosses, K.; Kaiser, J.; Ott, L.; Schulz, M.; Fersterra, F.; Wunder, B.; Han, Y.; Lavery, M.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Platinum in Silicon after Post-Implantation Annealing: From Experiments to Process and Device Simulations
Hauf, Moritz; Schmidt, Gerhard; Niedernostheide, Franz-Josef; Johnsson, Anna; Pichler, Peter
Conference Paper
2018 Investigation of Ga ion implantation-induced damage in single-crystal 6H-SiC
He, Zhongdu; Xu, Zongwei; Rommel, Mathias; Yao, Boteng; Liu, Tao; Song, Ying; Fang, Fengzhou
Journal Article
2018 Charakterisierung dynamischer Eigenschaften und Modellbildung neuartiger Leistungshalbleiterbauelemente auf Basis von SiC und GaN
Heckel, Thomas
Doctoral Thesis
2018 Analytical model for the influence of the gate-voltage on the forward conduction properties of the body-diode in SiC-MOSFETs
Huerner, A.; Heckel, T.; Enduschat, A.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L.
Conference Paper
2018 Unravelling the Mechanisms of Gold-Silver Core-Shell Nanostructure Formation by in Situ TEM Using an Advanced Liquid Cell Design
Hutzler, A.; Schmutzler, T.; Jank, M.P.M.; Branscheid, R.; Unruh, T.; Spiecker, E.; Frey, L.
Journal Article
2018 Large-area layer counting of 2D materials via visible reflection spectroscopy
Hutzler, Andreas; Matthus, C.D.; Dolle, C.; Rommel, Mathias; Jank, M.P.M.; Spiecker, E.; Frey, L.
2018 Mass Separation Issues for the Implantation of Doubly Charged Aluminum Ions
Häublein, V.; Bauer, A.J.; Ryssel, H.; Frey, L.
Conference Paper
2018 Simulation study of illumination effects in high-NA EUV lithography
Ismail, M.; Evanschitzky, P.; Erdmann, A.; Bottiglieri, G.; Setten, E. van; Fliervoet, T.F.
Conference Paper
2018 Converter Overvoltage Protection for DC-Grids
Kaiser, Julian; Schork, Franz; Gosses, Kilian; Han, Yunchao; Schulz, Matthias; Ott, Leopold; Wunder, Bernd; März, Martin
Conference Paper
2018 Optical stressing of 4H-SiC material and devices
Kallinger, B.; Kaminzky, D.; Berwian, P.; Friedrich, J.; Oppel, S.
Conference Paper
2018 Influence of substrate properties on the defectivity and minority carrier lifetime in 4H-SiC homoepitaxial layers
Kallinger, Birgit; Erlekampf, Jürgen; Roßhirt, Katharina; Berwian, Patrick; Stockmeier, Matthias; Vogel, Michael; Hens, Philip; Wischmeyer, Frank
2018 Defects and carrier lifetime in 4H-Silicon Carbide
Kallinger, Birgit; Erlekampf, Jürgen; Rommel, Mathias; Berwian, Patrick; Friedrich, J.; Matthus, Christian D.
2018 Dose Dependent Profile Deviation of Implanted Aluminum in 4H-SiC During High Temperature Annealing
Kocher, Matthias; Rommel, Mathias; Sledziewski, Tomasz; Häublein, Volker; Bauer, A.J.
Conference Paper
2018 Dose dependent profile deviation of implanted aluminum in 4H-SiC during high temperature annealing
Kocher, Matthias; Rommel, Mathias; Sledziewski, Tomasz; Häublein, Volker; Bauer, Anton
2018 Determination of compensation ratios of Al-implanted 4H-SiC by TCAD modelling of TLM measurements
Kocher, Matthias; Yao, Boteng; Weisse, Julietta; Rommel, Mathias; Xu, Zongwei; Erlbacher, Tobias; Bauer, Anton
2018 Influence of Al doping concentration and annealing parameters on TiAl based Ohmic contacts on 4H-SiC
Kocher, Matthias; Rommel, Mathias; Erlbacher, Tobias; Bauer, A.J.
Conference Paper
2018 Decoration of Al implantation profiles in 4H-SiC by bevel grinding and dry oxidation
Kocher, Matthias; Erlbacher, Tobias; Rommel, Mathias; Bauer, Anton
2018 Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines doppelseitig gekühlten leistungselektronischen Moduls
Kraft, Silke
2018 A 3.6 kV full SiC fuel cell boost converter for high power electric aircraft
Kreutzer, O.; Gerner, M.; Billmann, M.; Maerz, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Is an antiparallel SiC-Schottky diode necessary? Calorimetric analysis of SiC-MOSFETS switching behavior
Kreutzer, O.; Billmann, M.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Symmetry and structure of carbon-nitrogen complexes in gallium arsenide from infrared spectroscopy and first-principles calculations
Künneth, C.; Kölbl, S.; Wagner, H.E.; Haublein, V.; Kersch, A.; Alt, H.C.
Journal Article
2018 Modeling the rate-dependent inelastic deformation behavior of porous polycrystalline silver films
Letz, S.A.; Farooghian, A.; Simon, F.B.; Schletz, A.
Journal Article
2018 Modeling the rate-dependent inelastic deformation of porous polycrystalline silver films
Letz, Sebastian; Farooghian, Azin; Simon, Flaviu-Bogdan; Schletz, Andreas
2018 TLS-dicing for SiC - Latest assessment results
Lewke, D.; Cerezuela Barreto, M.; Dohnke, K.; Zühlke, H.-U.; Belgardt, C.; Schellenberger, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Power antifuse device to bypass or turn-off battery cells in safety-critical and fail-operational systems
Lorentz, V.R.H.; Waller, R.; Waldhör, S.; Wenger, M.; Gepp, M.; Schwarz, R.; Koffel, S.; Wacker, S.; Akdere, M.; Giegerich, M.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Process variability for devices at and beyond the 7 nm node
Lorenz, Juergen; Asenov, Asen; Baer, Eberhard; Barraud, Sylvain; Kluepfel, Fabian; Millar, Campbell; Nedjalkov, Mihail
Journal Article
2018 Process variability for devices at and beyond the 7 nm node
Lorenz, Jürgen; Asenov, Asen; Bär, Eberhard; Barraud, Sylvain; Millar, Campbell; Nedjalkov, Mihail
Conference Paper
2018 Future technology trends
Lorenz, Leo; Erlbacher, Tobias; Hilt, Oliver
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Evidence of low injection efficiency for implanted p-emitters in bipolar 4H-SiC high-voltage diodes
Matthus, C.D.; Huerner, A.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.; Frey, L.
Journal Article
2018 Comparative Study of 4H-SiC UV-Sensors with Ion Implanted and Epitaxially Grown p-Emitter
Matthus, C.D.; Erlbacher, T.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L.
Conference Paper
2018 Advances in Li-Ion battery management for electric vehicles
Morello, R.; Rienzo, R. di; Roncella, R.; Saletti, R.; Schwarz, R.; Lorentz, V.R.H.; Hoedemaekers, E.R.G.; Rosca, B.; Baronti, F.
Conference Paper
2018 The correlation between sintered silver joint reliability and pressure assisted sintering parameters
Ng, W.C.W.; Sweatman, K.; Kumagai, K.; Takamura, K.; Nishimura, T.; Letz, S.; Schletz, A.
Conference Paper
2018 Normalized differential conductance to study current conduction mechanisms in MOS structures
Nouibat, T.H.; Messai, Z.; Chikouch, D.; Ouennoughi, Z.; Rouag, N.; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar
Journal Article
2018 Accurate determination of 3D PSF and resist effects in grayscale laser lithography
Onanuga, T.; Kaspar, C.; Sailer, H.; Erdmann, A.
Conference Paper
2018 Laser Surface Microstructuring of a Bio-Resorbable Polymer to Anchor Stem Cells, Control Adipocyte Morphology, and Promote Osteogenesis
Ortiz, Rocio; Aurrekoetxea-Rodríguez, Iskander; Rommel, Mathias; Quintana, Iban; Vivanco, Maria; Toca-Herrera, Jose Luis
Journal Article
2018 Evaluation of DC-DC-converter impedance passivity using pseudo-random test signals
Ott, L.; Han, Y.; Wunder, B.; März, M.; Bodensteiner, F.
Conference Paper
2018 Mission Profile Analysis of a SiC Hybrid Module for Automotive Traction Inverters and its Experimental Power-loss Validation with Electrical and Calorimetric Methods
Pai, A.P.; Reiter, T.; Vodyakho, O.; Maerz, M.
Journal Article
2018 Efficiency investigation of full-sic versus si-based automotive inverter power modules at equal commutation speed
Pai, A.P.; Reiter, T.; Maerz, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Novel EUV mask absorber evaluation in support of next-generation EUV imaging
Philipsen, V.; Luong, K.V.; Opsomer, K.; Detavernier, C.; Hendrickx, E.; Erdmann, A.; Evanschitzky, P.; Kruijs, R.W.E. van de; Heidarnia-Fathabad, Z.; Scholze, F.; Laubis, C.
Conference Paper
2018 Analysis of a multiphase multi-star PMSM drive system with sic-based inverter for an automotive application
Piepenbreier, S.; Berlinecke, J.; Burani, N.; Bittnerbittner, R.; Matichyn, S.; Streit, F.; Hofmann, M.; Plikat, R.
Conference Paper
2018 Free cooling reduces energy consumption of cold water systems
Puls, Philipp
2018 Design of a Power Flow Control Converter for Bipolar Meshed LVDC Distribution Grids
Purgat, P.; MacKay, L.; Schulz, M.; Han, Y.; Qin, Z.; März, M.; Bauer, P.
Conference Paper
2018 TiO2 surface functionalization of COC based planar waveguide Bragg gratings for refractive index sensing
Rosenberger, Manuel; Girschikofsky, Maiko; Förthner, Michael; Belle, Stefan; Rommel, Mathias; Frey, Lothar; Schmauß, Bernhard; Hellmann, Ralf
Journal Article
2018 Autonomous circuit design of a resonant converter (LLC) for on-board chargers using genetic algorithms
Rosskopf, A.; Volmering, S.; Ditze, S.; Joffe, C.; Bär, E.
Conference Paper
2018 Optimized 2D positioning of windings in inductive components by genetic algorithm
Rosskopf, Andreas; Knoerzer, Karsten; Baer, Eberhard; Ehrlich, Stefan
Conference Paper
2018 Calculation of frequency dependent power losses in inductive systems with litz wire conductors by a coupled numeric approach
Rosskopf, Andreas
Doctoral Thesis
2018 An advanced control concept for modular multilevel converter using capacitor voltage estimation
Ruccius, B.; Preller, B.; März, M.; Wagner, B.
Conference Paper
2018 Nano- and micro-patterned S-, H- and X-PDMS for cell-based applications: Comparison of wettability, roughness and cell-derived parameters
Scharin-Mehlmann, Marina; Häring, Aaron; Rommel, Mathias; Dirnecker, Tobias; Friedrich, Oliver; Frey, Lothar; Gilbert, Daniel F.
Journal Article
2018 Träger, der mit mindestens einem Leistungshalbleiterbauelement bestückt ist
Schletz, Andreas; Waltrich, Uwe
2018 Power Interconnect Trends - Cost Savings for PCB Power Electronics by Enabling Wear Out
Schletz, Andreas
2018 Influence of triangular defects on the electrical characteristics of 4H-SiC devices
Schoeck, J.; Schlichting, H.; Kallinger, B.; Erlbacher, T.; Rommel, Mathias; Bauer, A.J.
Conference Paper
2018 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of a Power Electronic Gate Driver Board
Schriefer, T.; Hofmann, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Assessing the vibrational response and robustness of electronic systems by dissolving time and length scale
Schriefer, T.; Hofmann, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Minimum Volume Design of a Forced-Air Cooled Three-Phase Power Factor Correction Stage for Electric Vehicle Chargers
Schultheiß, F.; Nguyen-Xuan, T.; Endruschat, A.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 The GaN trench gate MOSFET with floating islands
Shen, L.; Müller, S.; Cheng, X.; Zhang, D.; Zheng, L.; Xu, D.; Yu, Y.; Meissner, E.; Erlbacher, T.
Journal Article
2018 Influence of the pulse length and temperature swing on the relative lifetime estimation for sintered/soldered chip-on-substrate samples. Numerical investigation
Simon, Flaviu-Bogdan
2018 Anode recirculation and purge strategies for PEM fuel cell operation with diluted hydrogen feed gas
Steinberger, Michael; Geiling, Johannes; Öchsner, Richard; Frey, Lothar
Journal Article
2018 Edge facet dynamics during the growth of heavily doped n-type silicon by the Czochralski-method
Stockmeier, Ludwig; Kranert, Christian; Raming, Georg; Miller, Alfred; Reimann, Christian; Rudolph, Peter; Friedrich, Jochen
Journal Article
2018 Heavily n-type doped silicon and the dislocation formation during its growth by the Czochralski method
Stockmeier, Ludwig
Doctoral Thesis
2018 Safety Concepts and Circuit Protection for LVDC-Grids in Datacenters and in Telecommunications
Strobl, Christian; Köpf, Hendrik; Mehl, Richard; Ott, Leopold; Kaiser, Julian; Gosses, Kilian; Schäfer, Maximilian; Rabenstein, Rudolf
Conference Paper
2018 Refined Fault Detection in LVDC-Grids with Signal Processing, System Identification and Machine Learning Methods
Strobl, Christian; Ott, Leopold; Kaiser, Julian; Gosses, Kilian; Schäfer, Maximilian; Rabenstein, Rudolf
Conference Paper
2018 Detailed characterisation of focused ion beam induced lateral damage on silicon carbide samples by electrical scanning probe microscopy and transmission electron microscopy
Stumpf, Florian; Abu Quba, A.A.; Singer, Philip; Rumler, Maximilian; Cherkashin, Nikolay; Schamm-Chardon, Sylvie; Cours, Robin; Rommel, Mathias
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica
Publication Type
2018 Highly reliable power modules by pressureless sintering
Waltrich, U.; Bayer, C.F.; Zötl, S.; Tokarski, A.; Zischler, S.; Schletz, A.; März, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Analysis of compensation effects in aluminum-implanted 4H-SiC devices
Weisse, J.; Hauck, M.; Sledziewski, T.; Tschiesche, M.; Krieger, M.; Bauer, A.; Mitlehner, H.; Frey, L.; Erlbacher, T.
Conference Paper
2018 Impact of Al-ion implantation on the formation of deep defects in n-type 4H-SiC
Weiße, Julietta; Hauck, Martin; Krieger, Michael; Erlekampf, Jürgen; Mitlehner, Heinz; Bauer, A.J.; Rommel, Mathias; Häublein, Volker; Erlbacher, Tobias; Csato, Constantin; Rüb, Michael; Akhmadaliev, Shavkat; Frey, Lothar
Conference Paper
2018 Application of deep learning algorithms for Lithographic mask characterization
Woldeamanual, D.S.; Erdmann, A.; Maier, A.
Conference Paper
2018 Topic review: Application of raman spectroscopy characterization in micro/nano-machining
Xu, Zongwei; He, Zhongdu; Song, Ying; Fu, Xiu; Rommel, Mathias; Luo, Xichun; Hartmaier, Alexander; Zhang, Junjie; Fang, Fengzhou
Journal Article
2018 Defect functional structures of 4H-SiC and diamond induced by ion implantation: MD simulation and spectral characterization
Xu, Zongwei; Zhao, Junlei; Djurabekova, Flyura; Rommel, Mathias; Nordlund, Kai
2018 Raman spectroscopy characterization of ion implanted 4H-SiC and its annealing effects
Xu, Zongwei; Song, Y.; Rommel, Mathias; Liu, T.; Kocher, Matthias; He, Z.D.; Wang, H.; Yao, B.T.; Liu, L.; Fang, F.Z.
2018 Heterogeneous integration of vertical GaN power transistor on Si capacitor for DC-DC converters
Yu, Zechun; Zeltner, Stefan; Boettcher, N.; Rattmann, Gudrun; Leib, Jürgen; Bayer, Christoph Friedrich; Schletz, Andreas; Erlbacher, Tobias; Frey, Lothar
2018 Human Sweat Analysis Using a Portable Device Based on a Screen-printed Electrolyte Sensor
Zoerner, A.; Oertel, S.; Jank, M.P.M.; Frey, L.; Langenstein, B.; Bertsch, T.
Journal Article
2018 22nd International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, IIT 2018. Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
2018 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology. Achievements and Results. Annual Report 2017
Annual Report
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica