Fraunhofer IISB R&D Awards honor next generation power electronics for sports cars and outstandig commitment for electric aviation
This years Fraunhofer IISB Awards for Research and Development are all about high-performance power electronics for e-mobility.

The IISB's R&D Group Award 2023 goes to a five person team from the Vehicle Electronics department for their elaborate development, commissioning and characterization of a 1 MW SiC high-performance traction inverter. In order to achieve this, Dr. Maximilian Hofmann, group manager Drives and Mechatronics, together with colleagues André Müller, Alexander Benner and Stefan Arenz collaborated with Dr. Hubert Rauh, group manager Advanced Power Modules. Now, the 1 MW SiC inverter has been integrated into a vehicle by Porsche to drive laps on a test track.
The other lucky recipient of an IISB R&D Award is Florian Hilpert, newly appointed business unit developer for power electronic systems and group manager Aviation Electronics. During the last year, he has greatly advanced the field of aviation power electronics at Fraunofer IISB. Driven by his enthusiasm for electric flying, Florian Hilpert opened up access to seven projects of the European Unions Clean Aviation Programme: NEWBORN, AMBER, HyPoTraDe, TheMa4HERA, HERA, HECATE and CONCERTO.
The IISB R&D Awards are given by the directorate to our scientists for outstanding achievements. Institute Director Prof. Jörg Schulze presents the prizes annually at our End-of-year meeting before the Christmas vacations.
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