A portrait of our technology-enthusiastic hydrogen expert Johannes Geiling at "the art of innovation"
Johannes Geiling is the second innovation artist presented within the series "Place for Innovation Artists" of the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg.

Safe, clean and almost unlimited available - hydrogen technology will be an important factor for the energy supply of the future. Innovation artist Johannes Geiling from Fraunhofer IISB in Erlangen is contributing to the energy turnaround in the European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg by his research on hydrogen-based energy systems.
Johannes Geiling is the second innovation artist presented within the framework of the "Platz für Innovationskünstler" series of the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg. In his personal story at www.innovationskunst.de, he explains what he likes about the Metropolitan Region and why he can realize his ideas here.
What is the big dream of Johannes Geiling for the future?
Find out in his story (in German) at innovationskunst: https://www.innovationskunst.de/stories
A press release (in German) of the European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg and press photos also can be found at
or right on this page in the download area.
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