ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e. V. promotes the cross-industry development of smart electronic products, materials and production processes
Innovation network for "hybrid systems with printed electronics" initiated

IISB is partner in the newly established ZIM (Zentrales Inniovationsprogramm Mittelstand) network "Hidronik", funded by Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Within Hidronik, Fraunhofer IISB will combine conventional electronics with printed functionalities, like different kinds of large area sensors, to hybrid electronic systems.
Hybrid integration enables new thin, flexible, and lightweight applications in industrial electronics, wearables, and IoT environments.
More information can be found in the press release (in German) by ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e.V.
If you are a SME and want to team with IISB in the Hidronik network, please contact Dr. Michael Jank (please note the business card in the box on the right).
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